Sunday, March 13, 2011

Switching Hosts.

Hey guys, i'm thinking about switching hosts again. I just feel like this one isn't giving me what I really want. I want to become a graphic designer and it includes web designing too. I feel like if I want to accomplish something like that, then I need to broaden my blog to more capabilities and not limit myself to working around themes. I want to make my own layouts and themes and not just the logos. Blogger has been such a great help to me in blogging and getting my writing out there and what not but I need a different outlet to express my creativity.

I don't think I will be switching so soon but hopefully I will be able to find a place that will host me and my blog. I also want to add more things to it as well. A recipe place. The Day Zero Project and some other things as well. I feel like blogger is too limited for me to put everything I want down.

I don't know. Maybe i'm just getting too ahead of myself?

What do you guys think?


  1. Thanks for your comment! :)

    If you're looking for an good host, try mine, they are very cheap and easy to use.

    I've never had a crash or downtime either.

  2. As long as I still have your URL. Alls good. You're a great motivation for me :) I would love a new blog host as well, but alas I am short on followers and having a new blog would mean losing most of them.

    Good luck Adrian!

  3. My friend is currently being hosted free by Aashni of She's very helpful as well, especially if you follow her on Twitter. Another friend of mine is hosted free by They haven't experienced any problems so far. Good luck!


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Maira Gall